How I Optimize My Schedule for Productivity & Health

May 27, 2022

If you're daily life/schedule is a mess and chaotic, it's going to be a real struggle to reach your body composition goals or heal your gut.


Goals are great for knowing where you’re headed, but I’ve never accomplished anything setting goals. Habits and systems, however, have absolutely changed my life.


So I thought I would share a little inside peek into my calendar and how I schedule out my days. Although my schedule shifts and changes based on where I am in the world, it is truly the thing that has kept me grounded and focused this last year and a half of living nomadically.


Here’s how I am currently structuring my work day:


Wake Up

I wake up, naturally, without an alarm, usually around the time the sun rises or right before. I brush my teeth, and drink some water with LMNT electrolytes before making my coffee concoction. I then take my coffee to the roof or an outdoor space and read my book anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour,...

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My Go-To Quick Protein Sources

May 20, 2022

I touched down in Lisbon, Portugal Saturday and after traveling through Central America for the last year, it’s been an adjustment, to say the least.


The time difference, the pace of Europe, and trying to transition from speaking Spanish to Portuguese is a real struggle! Even though Portuguese was my first language (I lost it young), my Spanish is way more advanced at this point.



Another adjustment I’ve had to make here is figuring out what is what in the organic markets. You should have seen me yesterday walking through the aisles with my translation app out trying to figure out what the labels on these products say!


Is this cream cheese or cottage cheese? Is this meat grass-fed or just organic? Are these eggs pastured-raised or just free range? What kind of flour is this?


I emerged from the market two hours later…it was comical!


It took me some time in Central America too, and I know I’ll find my groove here, but...

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How to Break Bad Nutrition Habits

May 06, 2022

I’ve been reading a ton of nutrition and health books recently (I promise I will share those in an upcoming newsletter soon!), but I decided to switch things up recently and instead read one of the books that’s been on my “books I want to read” list for quite a while now.


I know you have one of those, too or maybe a stack of books you keep saying you’re going to read someday. Maybe this book could actually help with that too.



As I began to read this book, I couldn’t help but connect so much of what he says to nutrition and fitness. The concepts he talks about for building habits is exactly what is going to help you change your health successfully and sustainably, which is what you want.


A few key concepts he explains as related to health and fitness:


Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference Over Time. Don’t Quit.


Small habits and changes accumulate over time. You can get 1% better every day for a...

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Not all Protein Powders are Created Equal!

May 02, 2022

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the differences in protein powders ever since I released Protein Bakes, and I wanted to break down some key concepts and explain a few things.



1. Not all protein powders are created equal.

Are you not able to tolerate whey protein or are you just reacting to all the fillers, chemicals, additives, and low-quality whey? It’s likely the latter. It’s really important when you’re purchasing whey protein to ensure you’re getting the highest quality whey (from organic, grass-fed cows - ideally A2) and that it’s free of any additives, chemicals, sugar alcohols, sweeteners, or any other gut-damaging ingredients.


My preferred brand is Promix, as they source from organic, grass-fed A2 cows and are rigorously third-party tested for heavy metals, gluten, and any additives/contaminants. You can purchase it here and use the code FAMILY83 for 15% off!


2. What’s the difference between a...

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Sourdough Discard Pancake Recipe

Apr 15, 2022

You're going to want to try to these Sourdough Discard Pancakes!



They are literally the fluffiest and most delicious pancakes I've ever had (besides my Protein Pancakes from Protein Bakes).


They're super simple and perfect for a weekend brunch, paired with some extra protein, of course!




Sourdough Discard Pancake Recipe



  • 2 cups cassava flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sourdough starter or discard
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons butter or ghee



  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the cassava flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  2. Add in the sourdough starter, maple syrup, milk, eggs and butter, and mix until well combined.
  3. Grease a pancake pan or griddle with a touch of butter or ghee on medium heat.
  4. Pour about ¼ cup pancake batter and let cook until bubbles start to form on top.
  5. Flip the pancake with a wide...
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Ways to speed up your metabolism

Apr 03, 2022


I used to think I had a slow metabolism, but actually I just had a number of bad habits.


At 5’1 and a very small frame, I thought I was destined to need to eat under 1,200 calories in order to lose weight. And let me tell you, I tried. But even at my small stature, 1,200 calories was not only completely unsustainable, but it also wasn’t even helping me lose weight.


Not until I learned how to actually increase my metabolism through new and better habits did things start to shift for me. I was able to finally eat until I was satisfied without putting on weight, and I actually started losing weight.


If you want to know my exact approach to losing weight, be sure to check out my Fat Loss 101 Course, where I go into more detail and give you the step-by-step system you need to finally lose the weight.


In the meantime, let me give you a few quick tips to boost your metabolism:


Lift Weights.

Muscle is metabolically active, so...

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What I Eat In A Day For Fat Loss

Mar 30, 2022

You guys have been asking me to do a “What I Eat in a Day” post for a long time now, and to be honest, I’ve been a bit hesitant.


For a few reasons:


  • I never eat the same thing every day nor do I ever eat the same amount every day. Some days I eat more, some days I eat less.


  • I don’t always eat in a deficit. And you shouldn’t either! I have weeks in the month where I’m eating at maintenance, in order to keep my metabolism thriving and my hormones balanced. This is really important when losing fat in order to make it sustainable and less likely you’ll gain it all back.


  • I’m a small person, although I have built more muscle over the last few years, I’m still 5’1” and not majorly active and likely require way less food than you or the “average” female. Just because I eat it does not mean you should eat it. You might need more food, or you might need less food.



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The Best Time to Eat for Fat Loss

Feb 02, 2022


I always get asked for my best fat loss tips, so today I'm sharing two of my favorites with you:


Tip #1: Eat with the sun! 


I love this tip so much, because it’s so simple and it’s free and it has the capacity to radically alter your health for the better. When we eat is just as important - and I would even argue more important - than what we eat. We are not designed to be eating all day every day. Eating late into the night, once the sun has set, has been shown to disrupt not only your sleep but your circadian rhythm and metabolism, as well.


The kitchen should open when the sun rises and close once the sun sets.


I think just using this tip can be a great tool to improve your health during these last two weeks of the year. Eat what you want, focusing on (mostly) whole food, protein-rich foods, of course, but once the sun sets, that’s it, kitchen closed.


The 4 Fat Loss Mistakes You're Probably Making


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Red Light Therapy: Stubborn fat, Cellulite, Anti-aging and More!

Jan 28, 2022

Today I'm covering all the fat loss, cellulite, and anti-aging benefits of red light therapy and how I’ve been currently using my red light.


Let’s start with all the benefits of red light therapy. Just like we need a nutrient-rich diet for our bodies to function optimally, we also need light nutrients!


If you’re struggling with any of these, you would likely benefit from red-light therapy:


  • Stubborn fat loss
  • Hashimotos
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Infertility


Humans need both red and near-infrared light for our cells to function optimally. If you spend hours in the sun all day and use only fire by night, then you're probably all set - except almost none of us do this anymore.


Let me include a few screenshots from a book I recently read, Red Light Therapy by Ari Whitten:

The book talks about specific ways to use the red light, based on what you want to target, so you can refer there for more...

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How to Save Money on Healthy Food

Jan 26, 2022

I’m still in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, and as I write this, it’s a very rainy morning here (hello, rainy season!).



To be honest, the rain makes working a little easier.  It’s not easy to be traveling in the most beautiful locations while also having to work most days - the amazing weather and beautiful beaches make me want to lie in the sun, surf, and eat all the fried plantains and seafood...but I know, I know #firstworldproblems.  I’ll stop complaining now, before you stop reading.


What has been easy while traveling, however, is saving money on food. Surprisingly, I have spent way less money than I did when I was living in one place in Los Angeles. I want to share some of my favorite money-saving (and healthy) tips with you:


1. Create a grocery list of real, whole foods and stick to it!

Whole foods are going to be way less expensive than pre-cooked or pre-packaged foods. If you make your grocery list of healthy,...

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