How to Eat 4,000 Calories and Still Maintain Your Weight

Apr 28, 2021


I recently celebrated my 38th birthday! I know, I can't believe it, either. And being on the Oaxaca coast, I couldn't think of anything I would rather do on my birthday than go eat all the delicious food here.  I ate about 4,000 calories worth (this is not an exaggeration, I promise you. I tracked it.)
















But, wow, it was worth it - the food here on the Oaxaca coast is some of the best I've ever tasted. I mean, the tamales melt in your mouth, the mole is super flavorful (and free of peanuts, yay!), and the meat is tender and delicious without using a ton of oil, like most cuisines do.


Whenever I have a day of eating this much food, or whenever I post stories on Instagram eating ice cream multiple times a week, I inevitably get questions about how I maintain my body composition eating like this. 


And today I'm...

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The Best (and Worst) Types of Exercises to Balance Your Hormones

Apr 26, 2021


There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to the best type of exercise for weight loss. It is commonly drilled into us that the more we exercise, the better.


And is cardio is the best way to lose weight? Nope!


We now know that there are so many other factors that come into play besides just calories in, calories out when it comes to weight loss. Hormones and stress are just as important and sometimes more significant when you are trying to lose weight and burn fat. Excessive cardio and overexercising can end up doing exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do - hault your weight loss progress, and actually cause you to hold onto fat.


Here are a few of the worst types of exercise for hormone balancing:

  1. Chronic cardio
  2. Circuit training (basically cardio with weights)
  3. HIIT classes


Why are these types of exercises not optimal?


Doing too much cardio or HIIT can actually slow down your metabolism and cause your weight loss...

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4 Unexpected Things Impacted by Gut Health

Feb 20, 2021

Ever feel a little bloated after a meal? Think it’s completely normal? Well, it’s not. While it might be extremely common, it’s definitely not normal. Bloating after meals can signal that your body is not properly digesting food, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and many other health issues down the line, including autoimmune issues, hormone issues, acne, or brain fog.


A healthy gut is one of the most important keys to your overall health. If you’re having an issue with bloating, acne, low energy, or fatigue, chances are this could be stemming from your impaired gut health.


So many health conditions can result in a digestive system that is less than optimal.  Here are a few systems of the body where your gut health plays a massive role:


Your Skin Health.

Inflammation of the skin can be a huge sign that your gut health is imbalanced. Having intestinal dysbiosis can lead to inflammation, causing acne, psoriasis, or eczema. Skin...

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The #1 Mistake People Make on Low-Carb Diets

Dec 03, 2020


Low-carbohydrate diets can be great for weight loss.  However, when not done properly, low-carb diets can have adverse effects, as you may have personally experienced.  Headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps.  Sound familiar?


The number one mistake people usually make on the low carb diet?


Not replenishing their sodium and minerals!


Proper hydration is absolutely critical for weight loss - and health in general! Not only this, but hydration doesn’t stop at just drinking enough water- adequate sodium and mineral content plays an equal role in staying hydrated and combating fatigue and muscle weakness.


Low-carbohydrate diets can sometimes cause people to experience the “keto flu”- these symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps, irritably and weakness. What people sometimes get wrong is that these symptoms can actually more often than not be caused by low sodium - not being on a low-carbohydrate diet....

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Should You Be Drinking Bone Broth?

Nov 03, 2020


With the weather changing and temperatures cooling down, there’s one superfood you should start incorporating into your diet if you haven’t already - and that is bone broth. Bone broth is overflowing with health benefits and should definitely be a staple in your diet (unless you have histamine issues, which is a blog post for another time!).


What exactly is bone broth?

Bone broth is an extremely nutritious stock that is typically used in soups or stews, or can be consumed on its own. It’s made by simmering the bones and connective tissue of different types of meat anywhere from 10-48 hours. You can also easily make this in the Instant Pot.

Here are just some of the benefits of bone broth:

  1. It’s rich in mineral and nutrient content. Bone broth is extremely high in vitamins and minerals, which come from the bones themselves. It’s especially high in calcium, iron, vitamin A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. Not...
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The #1 Food You Should Be Avoiding

Oct 28, 2020

Long gone are days where low-fat diets are the key to health and weight loss. While we now know that healthy fats are not only beneficial, but crucial to a healthy diet, there is still a lot of misinformation on what types of fats we should - and shouldn’t, be eating.


If there is any food you should completely cut from your diet - it’s polyunsaturated fats!


Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable and seed oils, like canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil and corn oil. If you are cooking with any of these oils, toss them immediately!


Polyunsaturated fats are also found in nuts and seeds, commercially-raised meat, poultry, and eggs, and animals fed diets of corn and soy.


There are many reasons to avoid polyunsaturated fats, but one of the biggest is the chemical instability. The oxidation temperature of polyunsaturated fats is extremely low. This means that if they are exposed to heat, light, or...

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How to Achieve Sustainable Fat Loss

Sep 26, 2020

More often than not, fat loss looks like a bumpy rollercoaster. After dramatic and quick weight loss, the weight reappears as quickly as it disappeared. But, what if there was a way to effectively and sustainably lose fat? Imagine ditching the yo-yo diet and weight loss rollercoaster ride.

This is why I created the Fat Loss 101 Training. In the training, I teach the same simple strategies I use with my private coaching clients to get them results that last. My goal is to help you effortlessly lose fat by optimizing your health from a foundational level.

When trying to lose fat, most people will:

  • Cut down on portion sizes and leave every meal hungry for more
  • Hit the gym religiously and spend hours on the treadmill
  • Stop eating carbs, fat, and/or meat
  • Adopt a keto, carnivore, or vegan diet

I hate to say it, but these people have it all wrong. Please, don't kill the messenger!


The 4 Fat Loss Mistakes You're Probably Making

Eating healthy and doing all the...

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7 Ways to Support Your Lymphatic System

Sep 23, 2020

If you’ve been around Raw Fitness and Nutrition for awhile, you know just how important proper detoxification is for optimal health. Supporting healthy detoxification and encouraging overall health requires participation from many bodily systems and organs. Today, we’re talking about the MVP of detoxification: the lymphatic system.

Your lymphatic system is an essential part of your immune system that covers you from head-to-toe. It fights infection and protects you from pathogens. As you can see, keeping your lymphatic system in tip-top shape is a non-negotiable for ideal health. No matter who you are or the status of your health, supporting your lymphatic system is a smart idea. 

What is the Lymphatic System? 

Your lymphatic system is made up of several fundamental parts, including:

  • Lymph- Excess fluid that drains from tissue and cells
  • Lymph Nodes- Small glands that cleanse and filter lymph.
  • Lymph Vessels- Capillaries and tubes that carry lymph away from the...
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The #1 Fat Loss Mistake Youโ€™re Making

Sep 19, 2020

Losing excess fat in a healthy and sustainable way is easier said than done. It requires patience, consistency, and a little bit of science. However, there is one fat loss mistake that almost every weight-loss-hopeful makes during their weight loss journey and it might just catch you by surprise.

If you’ve ever tried to lose fat, your story might sound something like this:

You’ve decided to get healthy and drop the weight you’ve gained over the last couple of years.

To start, you eat “healthy” foods, cut down on portion sizes, and hit the gym almost every day.

After weeks of working so hard, you’re still not seeing results. Or, maybe you saw results almost immediately, but now… nothing! At this point, your progress has plateaued and you feel beyond frustrated. Eventually,  you just say “F*&$ IT!”

Now, your diet goes out the window and you opt for the couch over the gym.

If this sounds too familiar, know...

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4 Nutrition Books to Help You Live Healthier

Aug 31, 2020

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle can be confusing enough without all the conflicting information about fad diets and nutrition myths. To help clear any confusion and set you on a straight path to health, I’ve compiled and am sharing my favorite nutrition books. These books cover all bases, from what to eat, what not to eat, effective fat loss methods, and more.


“Food: What the Heck Should I Eat” by Mark Hyman

They typically say don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but “Food: What the Heck Should I Eat” is just what it seems. It takes the guesswork out of nutrition confusion by sharing exactly what to eat. Even if you aren’t keen on reading, this well-organized and easy-to-read nutrition book is for you.

“Food: What the Heck Should I Eat” provides a clear, yet extensive layout of each primary food group (protein, carbohydrates, fats, etc). Hyman covers which foods we should be eating more of and those we should ...

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