Coconut Butter & Jelly Cup (single-serving, 4 ingredients, sugar-free, paleo, keto)


I saw someone eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other day and had the idea to recreate it as a healthy dessert!  I used to live for PB&Js as a kid.  Since I don’t eat peanut butter anymore (aflatoxin/mold), and the only nut butter I had in the house was coconut butter, this recipe was created.  It didn’t disappoint!  I bet this might be even more delicious if you used SunButter or a Sprouted Almond Butter, so please let me know if you do use any of those and how they turn out.


I tend to avoid multi-layer desserts, since they require extra steps and seem to take a bit longer (#lazy), but this one is maybe an extra 2 minutes and it’s so worth it!  This is another single-serving recipe (for my/your lack of willpower), but feel free to multiply it to create a full batch.



Hope this recipe brings you a bit of nostalgia for your own childhood.  Please let me know me if you recreate this one and how it turned out.  Tag me on Instagram, so I can see and share them!


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COCONUT BUTTER & JELLY CUP (single-serving, 4 ingredients, paleo, keto)

Prep time:  
Total time : 
Serves: 1
  1. Boil water.
  2. While water is boiling, mash raspberries with a fork in a small bowl.
  3. Once water has come to a boil, combine the water with the gelatin and mix. Then add in the raspberries and sweetener of your choice (I used ⅛ tsp of monk fruit). Mash until well-combined.
  4. Set that aside and let cool.
  5. Combine the coconut butter, coconut oil and sweetener (I used ¼ tsp of monk fruit) and mash/stir with a fork until well-combined.
  6. In a muffin tray, add half of the coconut mixture to 1 muffin tin. Freeze for about 10 minutes or until solid.
  7. Pour the raspberry filling on top, then top with the remaining half of the coconut mixture.
  8. Freeze again for 10-15 minutes or until solid.
  9. Pop the cup out and enjoy!



50% Complete

Two Step

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